Source code for segmentation_models_pytorch.losses.mcc

import torch
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss

[docs]class MCCLoss(_Loss): def __init__(self, eps: float = 1e-5): """Compute Matthews Correlation Coefficient Loss for image segmentation task. It only supports binary mode. Args: eps (float): Small epsilon to handle situations where all the samples in the dataset belong to one class Reference: """ super().__init__() self.eps = eps
[docs] def forward(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y_true: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute MCC loss Args: y_pred (torch.Tensor): model prediction of shape (N, H, W) or (N, 1, H, W) y_true (torch.Tensor): ground truth labels of shape (N, H, W) or (N, 1, H, W) Returns: torch.Tensor: loss value (1 - mcc) """ bs = y_true.shape[0] y_true = y_true.view(bs, 1, -1) y_pred = y_pred.view(bs, 1, -1) tp = torch.sum(torch.mul(y_pred, y_true)) + self.eps tn = torch.sum(torch.mul((1 - y_pred), (1 - y_true))) + self.eps fp = torch.sum(torch.mul(y_pred, (1 - y_true))) + self.eps fn = torch.sum(torch.mul((1 - y_pred), y_true)) + self.eps numerator = torch.mul(tp, tn) - torch.mul(fp, fn) denominator = torch.sqrt(torch.add(tp, fp) * torch.add(tp, fn) * torch.add(tn, fp) * torch.add(tn, fn)) mcc = torch.div(numerator.sum(), denominator.sum()) loss = 1.0 - mcc return loss